The Shaikh (May Allah preserve him) explains in detail the devious methods used by Satan – the avowed enemy of mankind to mislead us until the last day and the clear and certain ways of protecting ourselves and our families from this enemy and his army with proofs from the Quran and the Sunnah.
- Core Message - Tawheed
- Methodology (Manhaj)
- Seeking Knowledge
- Rights and Obligations
- Beliefs (Aqeedah)
- Evil Effects Of Terrorism Takfeer & The KhawaarijThe Noble Shaykh (Rahimahullah) explains and compares the differences between the right path based upon the Quran and ...
- The Prophet's Prayer Described by Shaykh Nasiruddin Albani ...The noble brother Abu Remlah Aadam reads from and explains Shaykh al Albani's book the Prophet's Prayer Described.
- Clear Differences Between The Salafi And Khalaf - ...In this enlightening bus ride lecture, our noble Shaikh Abu Uthmaan Mohammed al Anjaree hafidhahullah details 12 clear ...
- The Importance Of Returning To The Scholars In ...Topics include the foretelling of their emergence by Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), root causes of their ...